Destination Labrador
Labrador's Tourism Destination Management Organization

Travel Essentials

Visitor Information Centres

Visitor Centres are available in Labrador in the following locations:

  • L'Anse au Clair. Gateway to Labrador. Address: 38 Main Highway. Tel: 709-931-2013
  • Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Labrador North Chamber of Commerce. Address: 6 Hillcrest Rd. Tel: 709 896-8787
  • Labrador City. Gateway Labrador. Address: 1365 Trans-Labrador Hwy. Tel: 709-944-5399

Additional tourism information:


Time Zones

Atlantic Time (1 hour later than Eastern Standard Time) applies to most Labrador communities. Coastal communities south of Black Tickle use Newfoundland Time (30 minutes later than Atlantic time).

Daylight Savings Time is in effect from the second Sunday of March to the first Sunday of November.



Get up-to-date information about current conditions as well as four-day forecasts here.


Health Services

Medical clinics are operated throughout Labrador by the Labrador Grenfell Regional Health Authority. These clinics are generally staffed with Nurse Practitioners. There are regional hospitals in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Labrador City, as well as a Health Centre in Forteau.



Labrador has four languages:

  • Inuttut, the language of the Inuit people
  • Innu-aimun, the language of the Innu people
  • English
  • French

English is spoken in all communities. Newfoundland and Labrador is one of the oldest English-speaking regions of the New World and, since the 16th century, a unique dialect has developed here. Many common terms originate from life on the sea and describe a uniquely coastal way of life. Other words or expressions are considered archaic in other English-speaking parts of the world, but are still commonly used here. To explore this unique dialect visit the Dictionary of Newfoundland English website. Labradorians have also adopted Aboriginal words, like the Inuttut word "komatik" for sled.



Most local institutions observe only the 10 Canadian federal holidays, with the exception of provincial government agencies which celebrate the following unique Newfoundland and Labrador Holidays, usually observed on the Monday before:


Business Hours

Business hours can vary across Labrador communities. Many small businesses close at 6:00 pm during the week and are open until 9:00 pm only on the weekend.


Traveling with your Pet

You can bring your cat, dog or horse to Newfoundland and Labrador without a permit, and they can be moved freely between Newfoundland and Labrador. However, the importation of non-indigenous animals and the movement of Labrador Huskies from Labrador to Newfoundland is restricted. If you have any questions about bringing animals to the province, please contact:

Animal Health Division
Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
P.O. Box 7400
St. John's, NL A1E 3Y5
Telephone: (709) 729-6879/6886


Legal Age

Newfoundland and Labrador's legal age is 19 years. Photo identification is required to purchase alcoholic beverages and to enter nightclubs serving alcohol.


Smoking Regulations

To provide healthier environments for residents and visitors it is against the law to smoke within the majority of Labrador's public buildings, including bars, restaurants, businesses, airports and within hospital grounds. Many businesses do provide designated areas for smokers.



Electricity in Labrador is standard North American 120v.


Sales Tax

Newfoundland and Labrador has a harmonized sales tax of 10% on goods and services. In addition, the Canadian government applies a 5% goods and services tax on most purchases.

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