Destination Labrador
Labrador's Tourism Destination Management Organization


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Labrador Straits Tourism Summit - Summary Report.
PDF 554 KB
Travel Media Toolkit: Labrador's Culture History and Stories
PDF 1.1 MB
This document contains the following: 1. Agenda 2. Minutes 2019 AGM 3. Financial Statements for Year Ending March 31, 2020 4. Annual Report 5. Nomination Report
PDF 1.7 MB
This document contains the following: 1. Agenda 2. Minutes 2018 AGM 3. Financial Statements for Year Ending March 31, 2019 4. Annual Report Presentation 5. Annual Report 6. Nomination Report 7. Director Nomination Form
PDF 2.4 MB
The Central Labrador Tourism Working Group, comprised of representatives from Central Labrador created the Tourism Development Plan to identify recommendations and actions to increase visitation and spending by attracting more visitors, getting them to stay longer and experience more.
PDF 838 KB
This three year plan continues from previous plans for DL and reflects the new public/private leadership goals of the Provincial Tourism Vision 2020: Uncommon Potential and the most recent Labrador Tourism Destination Visitor Appeal Appraisal report: Dare to be Different. This destination development plan ensures alignment for investment and development of the destination with all Tourism Board partners over the near and long term.
PDF 604 KB
We are seeking an energetic and experienced individual interested in joining Destination Labrador; a dynamic and innovative partnership of Labrador tourism organizations to facilitate strategic tourism destination and business development projects. As the Administrative Assistant, you will work with tourism industry operators in Labrador and the Board of Destination Labrador Inc (DL), an established Destination Management Organization in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador with a regional focus on tourism development.
Official notice of proposed By-Law changes to be presented for adoption at the next Destination Labrador AGM - Sept 28, 2017 in Happy Valley-Goose Bay
PDF 330 KB
Student Summer Job 2017. This is a 7 week (35 hrs/week) Canada Summer Job (CSJ) Placement and eligible CSJ students aged 15-30 are welcome to forward their resume to
PDF 499 KB
Destination Labrador is seeking an energetic and experienced individual interested in joining a dynamic and innovative partnership of Labrador tourism organizations to facilitate tourism destination and business development projects.
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Destination Labrador Inc By-Laws and Constitution revised Jan 2016.
PDF 224 KB
Tourism Support For You is a series of workshops and networking events for tourism operators across the province this fall! The Tourism Support for You Road Show provides tourism operators the opportunity to learn from industry professionals and experts in areas that are relevant to your business, as well as meet face to face with the people and organizations that want to help your tourism business succeed.
PDF 616 KB
An overview of the Labrador Destination Development Plan for all Labrador Tourism Stakeholders
PDF 452 KB
This toolkit is designed to provide information about the business opportunities that surround experiential travel. Within the pages of this document you will discover helpful information that will aid your efforts in creating compelling experiences that may entice visitors to come and explore Newfoundland and Labrador. Also included are tools and worksheets to help keep you focused on your audience and your business goals. You will find several examples of successful operators who have embraced the spirit of experiential tourism. We hope their stories will ignite your passion, and inspire you to create your very own unique experience for travellers to enjoy.
PDF 4.4 MB
The Provincial Government makes satellite phones available, at no-cost to travelers of the Trans Labrador Highway, for the purpose of increased safety on stretches of the highway where no cellular services are available. Learn more about pick up/drop off locations.
PDF 806 KB
A stakeholder presentation of the challenges and opportunities associated with marketing northern tourism destinations like Labrador; presented Jan 28, 2015 at the Labrador North Chamber of Commerce - Northern Exposure Conference and Tradeshow 2015
PDF 7.4 MB
The Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Board is leading the effort to elevate the quality of tourism services and attractions available in the province. By establishing common minimum standards, industry partners are aiming to promote tourism organizations that provide quality travel experiences and assist tourism services and attractions improve the way they operate. In the future, these standards must be met in order for tourism services and attractions* to participate in provincial marketing and development initiatives, qualify for membership in Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador (HNL) and participate in partnership/membership activities with regional Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) like Destination Labrador.
PDF 2.8 MB
Destination Labrador (DL) is pleased to release the final Destination Development report for the Labrador Region. We invite you to review the report as the content will be important for future tourism development, both regionally and provincially.
PDF 5.6 MB
This current three year proposed business plan represents continued realignment of previous workplans for DL and reflects the new public/private leadership goals of the provincial tourism Vision 2020: Uncommon Potential and the most recent Labrador Tourism Destination Visitor Appeal Appraisal: Dare to be Different report - a formative review process to assess Labrador’s appeal, identify gaps and opportunities and ensure alignment for investment and development of the destination with all Tourism Board partners over the near and long term.
PDF 1.8 MB
The report covers a project period of April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2014 and represents activity associated with Destination Labrador’s three-year business plan ‘Labrador’s Uncommon Potential 2011-2014.
PDF 2.3 MB


The 2017-20 Provincial Tourism Product Development Plan

The 2017-20 Provincial Tourism Product Development Plan reflects the collective private-public tourism development priorities for the provincial tourism industry and the Regional Destination Development Plans. The focus of provincial tourism product development is on enhancing and creating high quality, high value people and program-based experiences that celebrate our people, place and culture.

To view the Provincial Tourism Product Development Plan, please click here.

To view the Labrador Regional Destination Development Plan, please click here.

Destination Labrador — SITE MAP —